Full name: [incomprehensible eldritch warbling]
Nickname(s): triangle (by Tally)
Pronouns: he / they
Species: eldritch... thing...?
Birthday: January 1st
Tagline title: the (mostly-incomprehensible) eldritch abomination
What's his deal?
Once upon a time, in the midst of a pitch-black void outside of spacetime, there lived an eldritch abomination, a horrifying entity whose very existence alone distorts the fabric of reality, whose endless power and might is capable of inducing mortal human insanity with just a thought. And then... this horrible, EVIL entity found its way into our world, its reign of terror and doom just starting.
Such a fascinating entity - can you believe he distorts your perception whenever you simply look at him? And not to mention how his form seems to oscillate between tangible and intangible, or how the completion of his marvelous summoning sigil brings those tremors that seem to originate from the very concept of your self...
The mysteries that surround him seem to be as endless as his powers - and his voice, a chorus of a hundred whispers that seem to echo between the physical world and the realm of the mind, speaks of confusions, too.
But do be aware, before you go forth - for its intentions and motivations are utterly alien to ours, just as all things eldritch are. It is impossible to grasp it, to empathize with it, to understand it - such a creature is inherently dangerous and unknowable in nature.
...yeah, well, that's what most people say about him, somehow - but I mean, seriously, isn't he really just a weirdo?
I mean, just look at him. Of all the names in the world, this eldritch abomination decides to go as - Jon? And not to mention how he just... never seems to know what's going on. Forgetting he can fly, rewiring the steering system in Gondo's spaceship (don't even ask), reciting The Night Has a Thousand Eyes during a stealth mission... the list goes on. Not as long as the other two, granted, but still.
And, he seems... quiet. Gentle, even. As though he is content to simply stay, a silent yet soothing presence, drifting behind the rest of them all.
But surely that thing must be EVIL - after all, he still follows the World-Takeover-ers and helps with their EVIL plans - indeed, he's never seen directly fighting, but he's probably just HIDING his power (because he doesn't want the superheroes to figure it out)!!
So yeah!! That's JON! Speaking of which, he's very very friendly too ("friendly" meaning "able to be friends with you" by the way), and he also has a lot of triangles and his summoning sigil has a 17-gon! Don't you want to be FRIENDS with him?
- Can semi-occasionally be found watering a plant in the hallway. The plant is a fake plastic plant.
- A few of Jon's common responses to someone saying "hi" are: spinning gently in the air, just straight up phasing through your hand, making the lights flicker, disappearing entirely, or saying “hi.”
- Jon's speech is often comprised of normal English words mixed with incomprehensible eldritch warbling.
- dr^53f$ftfbnx??>d=+2@@@ychstttss oH sskkdkkjfjdjffjffjfjfsoisoisoi hEll0_((022874
- Has played Monopoly before.
Reference sheet
Click on the image below to show it in FULL SIZE in a NEW WINDOW!
A bunch of Jon pics! Click on the image below to show it in FULL SIZE in a NEW WINDOW!
Pics that are not drawn by me will be credited to the original artist.
Give Jon a headpat? 🥺
Jon receives 0 headpats from you in total.
yes I know Jon doesn't have a well-defined head but you get the idea