Storyline masterpost

Here is where you find the various storylines that take place in the Takeoverse. These can range from standalone, independent little stories to straight up mega-long sagas, with small introduction blurbs for each of them and more in-depth pages for each storyline.

The World-Takeover-ers (WTO)

The most prominent storyline in the Takeoverse as well as the first one created, the World-Takeover-ers (WTO for short) follows a supervillain team going by the name “the World-Takeover-ers,” as they attempt to, you guessed it, take over the world, except that (a) they are incompetent, and (b) by the time the team makes their debut, humanity is already in shambles and just barely manages to not collapse into a heap of nothingness, and the world is now crawling around with sentient objects, superpowers or magic or whatever you'd call it, man-eating monsters that seemingly manifest out of nowhere, and eldritch abominations that occasionally enter our world to mess with our Euclidean geometry. Sure does make taking over the world a lot more challenging huh.

And so, with an equally zany cast of supporting characters by their side, the World-Takeover-ers and their quest to take over the world is bound to be filled with juvenile slapstick humor, nonsensical laughs, and, wait, is that existential horror? Wait put that back put that back put that back-

Yeah. WTO is the storyline I focus on the most in the Takeoverse, as well as how the Takeoverse got its name. Most of the stuff I yap about on this site is WTO-related, I guess.

Sir Stirling's Apartment Complex for Wayward Souls (SSACfWS, or Wayward Apartments)

Sir Stirling's Apartment Complex for Wayward Souls (initials SSACfWS) is centered around a small, quiet, and utterly unassuming apartment of the same name (often shortened to simply "Wayward Apartments" for everyone's convenience, though - who in their right mind gives an apartment such a wordy name?). Nestled in the hazy suburbs and away from the bustling center of the city, the various residents of Wayward Apartments are used to the unchanging rhythm of normalcy that is their daily life, and it seems that everything would go on that way - that is, until Sherbert arrives.

Sherbert Stirling, youngest of the Stirling Family, found the property falling into his hands in the form of an unexpected inheritance, and immediately decided, with his young, idealistic heart, that he was going to make the apartment thrive once more. And so, Sherbert's arrival and subsequent arrangements shake up the precarious balance that is the peaceful lives of the tenants, and of course, unearth secrets deep and dark lying within...

Oh, and also there are monsters. And eldritch abominations. And also the entire freaking apartment is sentient. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Studio ElectroNull

A very very heavy WIP, but still, here it is I guess.

Freshly fired from a big animation studio, ambitious young animator Cynthia Flemming has no choice but to join the only studio that would take her in - which just so happens to be situated back in her hometown, a place she'd so desperately wanted out from.

Settled into Studio ElectroNull, Cynthia soon finds - to her absolute disappointment - that this studio has only produced one (1) animation series with only one (1) season (in fact, the season finale just aired last week). Also, it absolutely sucks.

And so, with complicated schemes and dark secrets lurking both in the studio and beyond, and the release date of the second season creeping nearer and nearer, can Cynthia survive the horrors, her new bizarre coworkers, or save the second season from being a complete train wreck full of plot holes and pacing problems? Find out on the next episode of - Studio ElectroNull!!