Navigating the Takeoverse

This page is meant to be a small introduction on how to navigate this site, and the Takeoverse in general!

Navigating the world

DISCLAIMER: this section is NOT an in-universe Takeoverse survival guide.

  • The Takeoverse is the name of my entire paracosm / story world / whatever you wanna call it I guess.
  • Many storylines, which are basically just stories, take place in the Takeoverse. Some of them overlap; others have no apparent connections with one another. (I sometimes also call longer storylines "sagas.")
  • In particular, The World-Takeover-ers is a storyline (and the most developed, polished, prominent storyline as of now, in fact) that takes place in the Takeoverse. (The World-Takeover-ers may also refer to the supervillain team with the same name, which is also the main characters of the story... you get the idea.) I think about it and yap about it the most, so expect most of the stuff on this site to be about this storyline. I often just call it WTO.

Navigating the website

  • Here is a small intro about what those links on the top bar are about...
    • The Home page is where I give a basic introduction on what the Takeoverse is, including content warnings, a general overview on the Takeoverse, disclaimers, and some cool websites by other people you should totally check out too!! Clicking on the "Home" link on the top bar takes you back to the Home page!
    • The World page is where the more worldbuild-y things go (as worldbuild-y as the Takeoverse can get, anyway). Descriptions on the general state of the world, the prominent sapient species within and their workings and characteristics, and how superpowers (which are totally a thing) work are all featured here. Clicking on the "World" link on the top bar teleports you to the World page!
    • The Storylines page is where you can learn more about the many storylines in the Takeoverse, with small introduction blurbs written for each storyline to give you a general idea of what they are about, and in-depth pages for each of them inside. Clicking on the "Storylines" link on the top bar transports you to the Storylines page!
    • The Characters page lists the freaks of nature (affectionate) that occasionally come out to play, sorted by storylines. Most of them (hopefully) get their own personal profile page, in which you can read all about their personal information and blackmail them with it. Clicking on the "Characters" link on the top bar causes you to descend into character hell.
    • The Misc page is where I stuff all the things I don't know where else to put, including fun little tidbits, stuff about ME (including contacts, if you ever want to contact me for some reason), boundaries and usage about stuff on this site, what a "paracosm" even is, website update logs, and random QnAs I spontaneously decide to put there because I say so. Clicking on the "Misc" link on the top bar sends you there!

    There isn't really one "correct" way on what order you should read my stuff. Some people prefer to start from the big picture, while others just want to know about the stories, and some others the characters - and all these approaches are welcome! :D Just don't confuse yourself too much xd