!CONTENT WARNINGS! The following contains mentionings of reproduction (or, rather, the lack thereof). Proceed with caution.


Long story short: sentients are basically talking objects.

Short story long (?): sentients are inanimate objects that somehow gain sentience via some unknown mechanism (a process typically referred to as "sentientification"). However, do note that the word “object” is not entirely accurate, and it is probably better to understand it by “pre-existing entity without sentience,” although it still sounds kind of weird, so... whatever I guess. Takeoverse "worldbuilding" is hilariously casual anyway xd.

Any “object” in the Takeoverse has a chance to suddenly spontaneously become sentient, albeit being an extremely low chance. There does seem to be some ways that can make it more / less possible for sentients to appear, however. Scientists of all sapient species are working on these but still haven't worked out the details; it is, however, known that the longer an object has existed, the more likely it sentientifies.

Upon gaining sentience, sentients may go through changes in their form (for example, they might gain a cartoonish face / cartoonish limbs / the ability to float); it is also possible for a sentient to undergo no changes in appearance at all upon gaining sentience. Most sentients at least retain the functions their object bodies have and can move those to their will (for example, a sentient door can open and close themself; a sentient clock can move their clock hands). However, it is worthy to note that not all sentients gain the ability of speech, communication, or mobility upon gaining sentience.

Also, sentients do not possess the ability to reproduce (no matter sexually or asexually).

Sentients are also able to possess, or not possess, superpowers, or magic, or whatever that thing is you call it anyway.

Sentient characters

Notable characters that are / were sentients include:

Yes, there are currently not too many sentient characters on this site. I'm sorry Tally.