
Full name: Maxwell Rooks

Nickname(s): Max, Maxy

Pronouns: he / him

Species: human

Birthday: June 22nd

Tagline title: the aspiring mad scientist

"The Greatest Creation is not yet complete!"

What's his deal?

Why hello there! Aren't you here for the unveiling of his latest, newest, and most fabulous creation yet? Aren't you just dying to see what ingenious new method he'd used to engineer the modules and substructures, or what innovating viewpoint he'd utilized to enhance perception-based manipulation? He just knows you are! For the allure of science, the spark of curiosity, and the thirst for the unknown are universal traits that exist in any mind that thinks - and thus, science can bedazzle anyone as long as presented by the right person - the "right person" being him, of course!

For who can be more qualified to introduce to the world the wonders of science than he himself, Maxwell Rooks, aspiring mad scientist, who grew up in the cradle of cutting-edge scientific discoveries (which is the Manor you're in now, by the way)? And he'd love to go out into the world and spread the joys and wonders of his discoveries - but only after he finishes the Greatest Creation. You see, his Manor harbors the Greatest Creation, his most significant work yet! He's been building it for his entire life now, and he vows to never leave the Manor in his life - not until the Greatest Creation is complete!

And, well, now that he's told you about the Greatest Creation - what, uh, what else can he talk about now?

O-oh! Obviously he can talk about Anya, the love of his life, and how they met after Anonymous had attempted to kidnap her, which was technically kind of Maxwell's fault although everyone keeps saying it isn't, like "you don't know Anon's going to do that" kind of thing, but he still feels he's kind of responsible, you know? Anya is, well, she's nice, and charming, and gentle, and understanding, and nice, and kind, and - and he'd said "nice" twice just now, didn't he?

He's really bad at this isn't he, haha, hahaha,,

Aaaaaaaanyways, the World-Takeover-ers! Yes! Yeah! Indeed! Uhm, they're, uh, great people! Gondo is a great friend of his! Always with the interesting alien tech he loves to study, and in return he creates gadgets for them in their world-domination plans! Win-win situation, isn't it now-?

ohh he's reaaaaaaally bad at this isn't he, with the whole stream-of-consciousness line of talking that always comes when he's nervous, not like he's nervous now, ahahaha,,,


  • Maxwell's Manor comes with an impressive array of booby traps that deal with unwanted visitors efficiently.
  • Tends to ruffle his hair when he's excited, which includes whenever he talks about science, and hence, very often.
  • Has a tendency to misplace his lenses. Often flies into a panic when that happens.
  • A complete workaholic who used to have an absolutely horrifying sleep schedule. Anya often ushers him to go to sleep now, so at least his sleep schedule is getting healthier now...
  • His favorite food is cheese.

Reference sheet

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Max ref sheet