Welcome to the Takeoverse!
The Takeoverse is a paracosm / story world thing owned by yours truly (Lia Amanata)! A cursed (affectionate) little thing that spawned into my mind some time around July 2023 and lives there rent-free ever since, the Takeoverse has grown so much since its initial conception, and will hopefully continue to flourish and expand for many more years to come.
Anyways, this site records various tidbits about the Takeoverse, including the basic framework of the world, major storylines, and the various characters that reside within. I hope you'll enjoy the utter chaos that is... whatever this is!!
Newcomers should read the !CONTENT WARNINGS! below first; reading the other ramblings below is also recommended. If you want to know how to navigate this site, check out the Navigation Guide here next!
- Violence, death, murder, manslaughter, suicide
- Cannibalism (or, high-intelligence things eating other high-intelligence things), gore, body horror
- Wars, genocide, discrimination
- Swearing, (in-universe) slurs and / or degratory terms
- Drugs, substances, addiction
- Fantasy religion, cults
- Toxic / unhealthy relationships
- Unreality, psychological horror, eldritch horror, existential horror
- Various phobias
I usually avoid overly graphic descriptions in general descriptions (e.g. character introductions), and I have no intent to romanticize problematic behaviour. Still, certain stories / characters will feature more graphic / horror descriptions. I do my best to offer individual content warnings on the individual pages, but I might still miss some.
If you get uncomfortable with / are sensitive about any of the things mentioned above, please stop reading and take care of yourself! If there are certain things that you feel are very CW-worthy but are not listed above, don't hesitate to let me know! :)
Genres, themes, vibes, & more!
- The "genre" of the Takeoverse is best described as a messy mishmash of (dark) fantasy, urban fantasy, post-apocalyptic, eldritch horror, superhero, slice-of-life, surrealism, and basically everything I find interesting at the moment I guess.
- The Takeoverse gives off Saturday morning cartoon vibes, except it's rated M for excessive gore and horror, and may also occasionally resemble an anime, a webanimation, a low-budget educational TV show, an equally low-budget analog horror series, an object show, or a mixture of any of the above.
- Things that exist in the Takeoverse include: superheroes, supervillains, supervillains who are terribly bad at their job, superheros who are also terribly bad at their job, sentient objects, singing trash cans, laser blasters, mad scientists, man-eating monsters, eldritch horrors beyond human perception, and apartment buildings. (Don't forget to pay the rent!)
- The Takeoverse appears as a goofy, zany, nonsensical mess on the surface...
- ...however, the true nature of the Takeoverse is more often than not dark and twisted, with suffering and pain commonplace and nowhere being truly safe, and nuance is (hopefully) prominent in every character as they attempt to navigate the hellscape they, too, played a part in making... and maybe, just maybe, learn a thing or two themselves as well.
- Commonplace themes in the Takeoverse include: coming-of-age, self-discovery, redemption (or the lack thereof), and solitude.
- One last thing: the stories in the Takeoverse are more often than not heavily character-oriented, with the worldbuilding warping to fit around the characters instead of vice-versa. Because of this, if you came here expecting to see a very fancy and organized hard magic system, I'm sorry to say we have nothing like that here. xd
Do note that it is perfectly fine to view the Takeoverse as something I didn't include above, and coming up with your own interpretations is also more than welcome! I only include this section here so you guys know what we're getting into here, and if you're really not interested in those, leave before you waste too much time. xd
And as for those of you who still decide to stay... don't say I didn't warn you ;)
A few more things to note before you read on:
- I am planning to eventually officially publish some storylines in the Takeoverse as a webnovel, and as much as I don't mind spoilers, it doesn't seem like a decent thing to just spoil everything completely. As such, certain information is obscured and / or unreliable on purpose.
- (For example, if Tom claims he has telekinetic powers, but he actually has illusory powers instead, and is using illusions to trick everyone around him into believing he actually has telekinetic powers, his character profile would say his power is telekinesis, instead of illusory powers.)
- As such, take all information on this site with a grain of salt - you never know whom you can trust...
- On the other hand, although I avoid too in-depth spoilers, certain things still can and will be spoiled here. If you somehow wish to someday read my hypothetical and currently nonexistent webnovel which I have like a 8% chance to successfully manifest, beware of spoilers.
- This site is prone to change. Nothing on this site should be regarded as absolutely unchangingly 100% canon to Takeoverse lore unless I explicitly say so (which is highly unlikely).
- More generally, this site can very well be regarded as a perpetual work-in-progress. You can also expect haphazard, unpredictable bouts of updates because I don't have an organized work schedule.
- The Takeoverse is suspiciously devoid of romance, except for maybe this one pairing, but I don't know about that too much either. If you're here for a love story specifically, feel free to leave now xd. Platonic bonds, however, are prominent and commonplace. Probably.
These cool people and their amazing websites are all a very great source of inspiration and motivation to me!! Check out their stuff maybe? :D
Oh, and I also joined the OC WEBRING!! Click on these buttons to get taken to other cool OC sites :D